Protecting Your Kitchen Cabinets. First off, shelf liners do not extend the lifespan of kitchen cabinets and drawers in any way. To minimize dirt and grime on the inside cabinets (and protect dishes and glassware), always line shelves and drawers: easily replaced parchment paper for the cabinet under the sink, for example, and vinyl board cover liners (made of a resilient rubbery substance) in the knife drawer to help keep the knives from sliding.

If you chose a less durable paint, a clear polyurethane topcoat can help prolong its life by protecting it from premature wear.
The liners will help you to protect the shelves and drawers of your kitchen from surface damage.
Looking to Protect the Edge of your Kitchen Cabinets? Whenever the washable item gets dirty, simply throw it into a washing machine. They cost about a buck apiece and they've got a peel-and-stick adhesive on the back.